Finding The Money

This documentary lifts the lid on how money works, injecting new hope and empowering democracies around the world to tackle climate change and inequality.

An underdog group of economists is on a mission to instigate a paradigm shift by flipping our understanding of the national debt — and the nature of money — upside down.

follows former chief economist to Senator Bernie Sanders, Stephanie Kelton, on a journey through the controversial Modern Money Theory or “MMT”, to unveil a deeper story about money, to tackle the biggest challenges of the 21st century. Directed by Maren Poitras.

“Stephanie Kelton and her band of Modern Monetary Theorists have been shaking the temple of conventional monetary error for years. This great film is the battering ram that will knock the temple down.”  James K Galbraith

FTM poster

Finding The Money is now available to rent or buy worldwide!

This groundbreaking documentary is now available on Vimeo, a platform where much more of the proceeds make their way back to the filmmakers. Vimeo can be streamed to your TV using many common streaming apps, and you can “gift” the film to anyone by using Gift This and entering their email address.

Finding The Money has been translated into 12 different languages: Spanish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Korean, Finnish, Danish, Hungarian, Portuguese, Vietnamese, and Chinese – all available on Vimeo, with more coming soon.

Or you can join a screening near you! If you’re in Australia, we will also be screening the documentary as part of our new weekend workshop to be held in Melbourne and Sydney.

Photo gallery 


March 2024 saw a whirlwind tour of Finding The Money around Australia.

Most events featured a film screening plus live Q&A with Stephanie Kelton, best selling author of The Deficit Myth, Maren Poitras, the film’s director,  and special guests.

Aotearoa (New Zealand) 

More screenings of the documentary were then held in Auckland (as part of our Economics for Sustainable Prosperity workshop) and Wellington in August 2024.

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Keep up to date with the latest events and offerings from Modern Money Lab. We are based in Adelaide, South Australia, but we will be programming a wide range online and face-to-face events and talks in Adelaide and other major Australian cities.