Economics for a new era


Graduate Studies in the Economics of Sustainability

Modern Money Lab and Torrens University Australia offer a suite of graduate programs in Modern Monetary Theory and Ecological Economics. These courses, which range from Graduate Certificate to Doctoral level, are a unique contribution to global economics education. No such programme currently exists to the best of our knowledge anywhere in the world.

Enrolments are now open for the Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master’s Degree in the Economics of Sustainability.


Policy Notes

Journalism and blog posts relating to Modern Money and Sustainable Prosperity.

Data Bank

Data and charts relating to Modern Money, Sectoral Balances and Genuine Progress.

Working Papers

Academic papers and reports relating to Modern Money and Sustainable Prosperity.

What is Modern Money Lab?

Modern Money Lab Inc. (MML) is a research institute, which contributes towards the development of new knowledge relating to political economy and political science, particularly relating to the fields of fiscal and monetary policy, international finance, employment policy, climate change policy and ecological and social sustainability.


About Us

The object of MML is the advancement of social and public welfare within Australia and overseas, primarily through the development and dissemination of objective, systematic and rigorous research work broadly within the fields of economic, political, human and social science.

MML is independent of any other institution, and strictly unaligned politically, but may partner with other research and academic organisations in promoting an informed debate about public policy in Australia and internationally and in the promotion of associated research and educational endeavours.

What is Modern Monetary Theory?

Monetary sovereign governments face no purely financial budget constraints. All economies, and all governments, face real and ecological limits relating to what can be produced and consumed. The government’s financial deficit is everybody else’s financial surplus.


Members of the Research Committee and external consultants.

Steven Hail

Steven Hail

Modern Money Lab

Con Michalakis

Con Michalakis

Hostplus Super

Annie Bond

Annie Bond

Modern Money Lab

Stephanie Kelton

Stephanie Kelton

Stony Brook University New York

Fadhel Kaboub

Fadhel Kaboub

Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity

Warren Mosler

Warren Mosler

Mosler Economics


Modern Money Lab will have an extensive program of events such as courses, lectures, conferences and webinars. 

Stephanie Kelton

Support Our Work

The public charitable object of MML is the advancement of social and public welfare within Australia and overseas, primarily through the development and dissemination of objective, systematic and rigorous research work broadly within the fields of economic, political, human and social science.

Modern Money Lab Inc. is a charity registered with the Australian Not For Profits Commission (ACNC). To make a (non tax deductible) donation you can use the bank details below, or contact us for more information. All contributions are greatly appreciated.

Our bank is People’s Choice Credit Union
BSB = 805050 Account number = 102605543
Account name = MODERN MONEY LAB

Admin team

Gabrielle Bond is an experienced administrator having worked for over ten years in the not-for-profit sector. She has a strong interest in economics, particularly in Modern Monetary Theory and Ecological Economics.

Stephanie Richards is currently in the final year of a double bachelor degree in economics and finance at the University of Adelaide. She has extensive experience in customer service and office administration.

Publications and Resources

Our website lists Modern Money Lab’s most up to date working papers and policy notes under publications. Our extensive areas of research can be found on our resources page.

Join Our Mailing List

Keep up to date with the latest events and offerings from Modern Money Lab. We are based in Adelaide, South Australia, but we will be programming a wide range online and face-to-face events and talks in Adelaide and other major Australian cities.

Contact Us

We are based in Adelaide, South Australia

Find us at level 1, 168 Hutt Street, Adelaide SA 5000

+61 401 969 646

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